The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new ~Socrates~

Take a deep breath - and allow your journey to begin.

Life is an amazing, incredible, frustrating, fantastic and defining journey of the soul. We are indeed spiritual beings living on a physical plane. Everything about us comes down to what we see, what we feel, what we know and what we think, or hope to discover.

There is perfection in the moment and all is as it should be.

The mysterious and magical world of Energywork defies beliefs, changes perception, enables growth and ensures the best possible body, mind and soul health. 

Thank you for considering allowing me to be part of your journey!

What is Reiki?

Reiki was developed in Japan and is a method of hands-on healing for stress reduction and relaxation. When your life force is high, you feel strong and confident, enjoy being more relaxed and centered and be less likely to get sick.

A Reiki session is carried out with the client fully clothed and is a non-invasive form of energy work. Work is mostly done in the energy field, but light touch can also be used during a session.

Regardless of which Reiki session you choose, after sessions clients report feeling lighter, as well as feeling calmer and rejuvenated.

There are many different types of Reiki sessions available, such as:

Reiki Sessions:

The experience of Reiki is different for everyone. Changes can be subjective, changeable, and mostly subtle. Clients frequently experience heat or coolness in the practitioner's hands. Another common experience can be a feeling of waves or pulsations.

Reiki is comforting and often lulls the client into a deep sleep. The most common experience is an almost immediate release of stress and a feeling of deep relaxation.

Reiki is cumulative, so even if clients don't notice much at first, deeper experiences are reported if this work is continued. Over and above the immediate experience after a session, other changes can be experienced as the day progresses, such as feeling more balanced, centered and grounded and deep sleep that evening is also generally reported.

Reiki Session with Crystal Therapy:

By placing stones of the appropriate color on the chakras, the chakras are given a boost of its own vibration. This is one of the easiest ways to balance the chakra system, as the interaction between the stones and chakras return or maintain healthy vibration of the chakras.

The placement of beneficial stones on the main chakras not only offers balancing and healing of the individual or chakra system, but also serves as a general tonic to strengthen and tone. 

After placement of the appropriate stones, the Reiki session will continue as normal. Movement of the stones during the session is often experienced and should not be cause for concern.

Reiki with Tuning Forks:

The use of Solfeggio tuning forks assists in realignment of the frequencies of the body. By dissipating lower frequency energies, energy flow is increased. This gentle method also allows for clearing of densities from the Chakra system and Energy field.

The tuning fork frequencies are effective in charging and raising the vibration of the Chakra system, Energy field and Meridians.

Reiki with Aura Scrape and Fluff:

This specialized work takes place during a Reiki session. Negative (also known as dark spots) or damaged (holes) areas of the Aura are scraped to remove any non-beneficial energy, which is immediately replaced with healthy and healing energy. Once the scraping and renewal of removed energies has occurred, the Reiki session takes place. Very often Emotional and Mental balance are reported after these sessions. At the end of the session, all energies and Chakra's energies are fluffed.

Reiki with use of healing pendulums:

A pendulum is an object suspended on a thread or chain through which the energy from the human energetic system flows, creating movement in the pendulum. Pendulums have the ability to receive as well as generate energy and therefore can be used as either a sender or receiver of energy.
Pendulums are made from many different materials and in many different sizes and shapes. The most advanced and sought after pendulums are those, which are based on Sacred Geometry - the ancient Egyptian knowledge of vibrations associated with different shapes.

Pendulums available for use during sessions include: Chakra pendulum, Karnak, Osiris, Atlantis, Mer-isis and Renova.

Access Bars

Access Bars® are 32 points on your head that, when gently touched, effortlessly, and easily release anything that stops you from feeling joy and ease in your life.

These points contain all the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, emotions, and considerations you have stored. This is an opportunity for you to let go of everything


The doTerra AromaTouch Technique® is the application of essential oil to the back and feet. This technique combines the unique benefits of human touch with the power of essential oils to create an overall wellness experience. The essential oils used in the AromaTouch Technique were chosen for their individual and combined aromatic properties.

"The AromaTouch Technique was developed to maximize the benefits of essential oils. Its powerful benefits can be effectively delivered equally well by both the novice essential oil enthusiast and the professional health practitioner." - Dr. David K. Hill

Akashic Records Readings

An Akashic Records Reading is a question and answer session facilitated by an Akashic Records Consultant who poses your questions to the Akashic Record Keepers, then relays the answers to you. Readings allow you to ask questions that will promote empowerment, effective problem solving, a better understanding of your life's challenges and opportunities, as well as personal and spiritual growth and empowerment.

Dimensional Dowsing

Energy work at its very best!

Dowsing is used to expand beyond three-dimensional limitations and encompasses almost every aspect of human life.

During a session you will be balanced, centered, grounded and cleared on many different energetic levels and layers. The clearing covers not only Chakras, but also energy grids - down to cellular level!

This service works extremely well in conjunction with the Integrated Healing Method.

Integrated Healing Method

A very effective combination of multiple modalities to assist you with every aspect of your life. Sessions include powerful 'body chosen' affirmations, as well as an effective non-medical, energy-based allergy clearing.

Emotions and emotional clearing are also dealt with comprehensively - at a comfortable self-determined pace.

The Integrated Healing Method is partnered very successfully with Dimensional Dowsing.

Ama-Deus I and II

Ama-Deus is a healing method from a whole or soul perspective that taps into a stream of consciousness that is related to a particular thought...and that thought is Love. Ama-Deus is a healing energy offered lovingly by the Universe as a tool to enhance our spiritual growth and awareness while supporting our physical and emotional healing.

Recommended for Earth, human and animal healing.

Crystal Therapy with the use of Essential Oils

The power of crystal healing is that each crystal carries a unique vibration. In this magical world of vibrations, crystal energy helps you on your spiritual journey because it works to hold your intention and send it out into the universe.

Essential oils are made up of minute molecules that are very easily absorbed. Each oil has a unique chemical composition of terpenes, esters, oxides, alcohols, phenols, ketones, and aldehydes. These components interact with bodily systems, and depending on the essential oil, support various systems of the body.

Solfeggio Tuning Forks

Certain frequencies within music have specific effects on the mind, and subsequently the body. Music/sound is a fundamental part of human existence. This is why there are so many music therapy and healing programs available in modern society. Each tone on the scale corresponds with a frequency as well as a Chakra, which is described as follows:

1. 396Hz (UT) - Red: Root Chakra: Turns grief into joy - Liberation of guilt and fear;

2. 417Hz (RE) - Orange: Sacral Chakra: Undoing situations and facilitating change - Positive change and clears blocks;3. 528Hz (MI) - Yellow: Solar Plexus Chakra: Transformation, Miracles and DNA Repair - Love Frequency;

4. 639Hz (FA) - Green: Heart Chakra: Creating peace and harmony in our connections and Relationships - Positive Relationships;

5. 741Hz (SOL) - Blue: Throat Chakra: Problem solving, more specifically our ability to express ourselves - Self-expression and cleansing of toxins;

6. 852Hz (LA) - Indigo: Third Eye Chakra: Awakening Intuition and Return to Spiritual Order - Self-Awareness and Spiritual Order;


7. 174Hz - Earth: Lowest tone: Affects physical body and Energy - Natural anesthetic (Physically and Energetically). Provides internal organs with a greater sense of comfort and security.

8. 285Hz - Earth: Improves overall health and well-being. Rejuvenates body, mind and boosts energy field.

9. 963Hz - Purple: Crown Chakra: Linked to Pineal Gland (Central Nervous System) - Allows us to access high-level intuition, telepathy and psychic vision - Connection to the Higher Self.

Energetic Allergy Clearing

Identifying emotions and/or items a client has hypersensitivity to is achieved by using the principles of kinesiology/muscle testing. 

As with other physical illnesses, when you neutralize the emotional cause of your allergies, it can lead to healing of the physical problem. If not the direct cause of allergies, Emotions do at least play a contributing factor.

Most allergy concerns and other associated issues are effectively dealt with via Integrated Healing Method, which is a listed above.


Running 'vortex' energy includes a combination of tools that addresses different types of conditions held in our energetic system and physical body.

"VortexHealing® channels the energy of magical transformation into our consciousness and body, bringing profound relief from problems that can affect us on a daily basis, on an emotional, physical, mental and spiritual level. Practitioners have seen incredible results from common chronic conditions like anxiety and insomnia to more serious illnesses."

Remote sessions available.

CHIOS Healing Practitioner (I and II)

Chios ® is perhaps the most innovative, comprehensive and powerful aura and chakra-based energy healing art in the world today.

The breakthrough techniques of Chios ® are used for:

• Unblocking Chakras

• Aura Clearing (removing dark, negative energies)

• Sealing Leaks and Tears in the Aura Layers

• Chakra Charging (using color)

• Chakra System Rebalancing (using color)

• Radiatory Healing of Chakras

• Seventh Layer (of Aura) Focal Healing

• Frisson Healing of Chakras and the Seventh Layer, and

• Distance Healing (using color and light)
Healing the body, mind and spirit at this true, root level of energetic healing in the aura and chakras may provide enhanced quality of life, facilitate your spiritual growth and provide healing you will not find elsewhere. Chios ® also offers new energy healing treatment procedures for complementary care of over 100 common serious illnesses and afflictions.

Photon Sound Beam XII

The Photon Sound Beam delivers a full spectrum of sound and light frequencies that benefits:

* Ideal frequency and energy states are re-established in each individual cell. Return to normal cellular frequency / Polarization / Recharging life force energy.

* Detoxification and oxygenation of the body, during which time the lymphatic, circulatory, cerebral/spinal fluid and alimentary systems receive benefit. Oxygenation allows for deep tissue cleansing.

* Pathogens and parasites are devitalized.

* Stimulation and strengthening of the Immune System.

* Assists with clearing congested lymphatic fluid.

* Helpful with enlarged prostate.

* Reduction and elimination of pain.

* Removal of excess water retention.

* Neutralizes stagnant energy and associated negative through forms.

* Electrical Disassociation assists in eliminating blockage and barrier issues by re-polarizing cells and molecules, dissolving lumps, clots and mineral deposits.

Sacred Geometry : Healing Codes

Sacred Geometry is an ancient science and a key to understanding the way the universe is designed. It is a 'map' of the step by step movements that Spirit makes as it moves from pure energy into matter, to create the physical world as we know it. Repeating geometric patterns are the basic building blocks of our very existence.

The Healing Codes are useful in clearing issues and reasons keeping us trapped in self-punishment programs. With readjustment of frequencies and repairs to the auric field it is possible to clear negative and limiting energies that come from other people, possessions, places of residence, offices and cars.

This type of clearing work brings us into a greater state of balance and harmony.


Energy healing is a form of therapy yet unproven by science. As such, no warranty or claim of effectiveness - express or implied - is made for these techniques. All information contained on this website are for educational or informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment and is not guaranteed to be accurate, correct, complete, or up-to-date. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new healthcare regimen. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read here.

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