How does it get any better than this?   ~Access Consciousness~


Your feedback is welcomed. Thank you for sharing your experiences.

2023 Testimonials

I'm so grateful to have had the privilege of working with Leslie over the past few years. Her work has ushered quite a few really big shifts in my, and my loved ones' lives.
Initially, I sought her out for my own healing. While in person sessions have always been an option, distance work seems to be what has fit best in my life. She would request that I would send her whatever details I felt necessary for her to know about regarding our upcoming session, via email. It took me a little while, but after some time I became comfortable with opening up with someone new. Much of what I shared has been very personal. Additionally, I soon discovered (or remembered), how long winded I can be... so I also felt badly for pouring my heart out into novels, making what felt like more work for her.
But sweetly, she has always fielded each of my correspondences with her with such warmth, compassion, understanding for my humanity and personal struggles. I now feel like the emails I send her are part of the healing, and am so grateful to have someone that is willing to listen and receive me, in whatever way I show up.
Since we've worked together for some time, there are actually quite a few topics Leslie has helped clear, heal, and lovingly release in my life. I will try my best to summarize briefly.
Leslie's work has helped me not only forgive and release some toxic relationships, but also the residual emotions and patterns that can linger, and re-ignite more of the same. I have so much more understanding, compassion, and space for the choices I've made, and as well no longer feel the pangs of what once hurt so very deeply. It took some time, and sometimes revisiting the topic as it came up again, but I can honestly say that the personal growth I've had as a result of her work has been very significant and impactful.
Both times I contracted Covid, Leslie was there in a pinch. I could feel a marked improvement in the way I felt, the same day she did the work, both times. All my symptoms greatly diminished, and it felt as if my energy levels got a boost- if I had been a bird, it felt like the wind lifted me up, under my wings. Her work greatly lessened my feelings of exhaustion, friction, or effort. Both times, this was a big turning point in my healing. Everything got better and easier from there.
Next I had Leslie work with my dear nephew. I will not go into much detail, as this is his story. What I can and will say is that he is a very dear and sweet younger human that has seen, heard, and experienced a lot for someone his age. He is also incredibly intelligent and deeply sensitive. I remember the first session I had Leslie work with him (from a distance). I actually ended up taking a nap that day- at the very time she was doing his session, it turned out- and when I woke up I discovered he was outside his house (we lived near one another). For once, his head was up, no phone in hand, engaging with the world around him, talking, and making eye contact, etc. He invited me to play a game with him, This was after MONTHS of him isolating himself. It was truly incredible. And so very sweet. And the beginning of him continuing to make such strides. I attribute a lot of his healing and growth to the work Leslie has done with him. It's been truly a blessing, and remarkable to witness.
In the fall of 2022, my kitty got sick out of the blue. She had a lot of symptoms that were concerning, and became alarming enough that I decided to take her into the vet. Her energy levels were low, she was coughing, or what sounded like trying to clear her throat. She would gag when she tried to eat, or drink. She had lost her "meow." She would open her mouth to make a sound but was entirely silent- no sound would come out, not even angry or aggravated growls if I was pestering her. Eventually the gagging prevented her from trying to eat or drink, and subsequently, her elimination came to a halt. I took her into the vet as soon as I realized she wasn't peeing like she should. (I had tried many solutions for what I perceived to be a hairball, none of them had worked.) All the tests the vet ran-- x-rays, and physical exam, and copious amounts of blood work-- showed all systems were within "normal" range. I reached out with my concerns to Leslie. The day she cleared my girl, was the first day I heard her meow start to come back online. It was a squeak.... but it was the first sound I'd heard in about a week and a half. Again, her progress continued from there. And as it was with the times when I was sick, anytime my girl got a clearing from Leslie, we could tell a marked difference in her regaining her robustness. (She is now able to fully express her very opinionated self via meowing, growling, talking, etc, is eating and drinking tons, and going to the bathroom just fine.)
There are others in my family that have benefitted from Lesie's work, but to close, I will share the most recent story of my sweet Mom. After having completed two trips with her this year, I very began to recognize and reluctantly believe that she was beginning to experience some memory loss. This was naturally a hard realization for me. Additionally so because I had been focused on my father's fragile health for so long. I was deeply saddened by what this might mean for my remaining time with Mom. I started by giving her some mushroom supplements for the brain- which she was open to taking. I do believe I saw a slight improvement in her memory. But the real change has been since Leslie started using her Photon Sound Machine on these particular (and related) memory issues. Since her last two sessions with the PSM, she has been making some grand improvements. She has even mentioned noticing a difference, herself. I swear I've seen her pull things out of her memory bank 1) at all, 2) with so much more swiftness, and 3) with so much less perceivable frustration or angst on her part. What a great feeling. She was at a place where she was getting so frustrated and bound up with herself, because she could tell she was "slipping", (and because she knew that we could also see that she was slipping.) Since these last two sessions, though, it's almost as if I am waiting at the times and places she might have normally made her mistakes. But she's just... not. It's incredible. And I think honestly it surprises her, too. A very pleasant surprise, of course. <3
Thank you, dear Leslie, for the healing you are doing for me, others, and thus, the world at large. It takes a generous and powerful soul to wield the intention for healing the way you do. I am and always will be grateful for your passion and commitment to healing, and our friendship. I most definitely recommend anyone trying out Leslie's work. It doesn't matter the type of issues at hand. It can be brought to light, loved, cleaned, cleared, healed, and lovingly released. ~ E.F., Columbia, SC.

Joseph A, SC

Reiki and AromaTouch Client

I have been seeing Leslie for years and her work never ceases to amaze me. I always come away from my sessions feeling refreshed, relaxed and "new." I'd recommend her healing services to anyone!


Dimensional Dowsing / Integrated Healing Method

It was an adjustment to get used to having sessions done remotely, but now I love it!! Amazing how accurate the information is from the sessions. I feel so light afterwards!

Robin R, Sonoma

Dimensional Dowsing / Integrated Healing Method

I've been working with Leslie for 3 years. She was a referral from a trusted friend. My life was going quite well until something didn't feel right. With Leslie's help of regular sessions, I noticed how much more real, grounded, and powerful I felt. I could more easily see and heal issues from my past. I knew everything was energy but got it on an entirely deeper level. Leslie helped me see and understand my reality and not only get through it, but come out stronger on the other side. In three years, I've managed to successfully get through a challenging divorce, several moves including buying a home in a location I love, my mother passing of Alzheimer's, difficult family relationships, and most importantly recognize and appreciate myself and the gifts I have to share to help find meaning and purpose in my life.

Elizabeth S

Dimensional Dowsing / Akashic Records

Extensive education in multiple modalities sets Leslie above and beyond the general "therapy" offerings. Leslie's dedication to study, absorb, comprehend and integrate various schools of thought into a tailored personal therapy is truly something to treasure. My personal experience with Leslie involved Dimensional dowsing and Akashic information, there is much more that I hope to experience under her guidance. As with any therapy, it's my belief that the client must participate, ask questions, be inquisitive and open, subsequently be receptive to healing and positive change. Leslie has the talent, gift and training to benefit your emotional, physical and spiritual health and I feel that her commitment to my well-being was genuine and from the heart. The roads we choose to follow may have some twists and turns that cause us physical, emotional or spiritual anxiety and Leslie has the road map to help us. We are very fortunate to have her benevolent force available to us. Working with Leslie was a real pleasure.

Andria F, Idaho

Dimensional Dowsing / Integrated Healing Method

For 5+ years I have been a regular, long-distance, client of Leslie Boland. Her care is exceptional. The array of her talents is astonishing. And above all, the consistent results of Leslie's healing and insights are helpful beyond measure. I am grateful she is part of my life and it is sincerely impossible for me to lend a higher endorsement.

Andrea M, SC

Dimensional Dowsing / Integrated Healing Method / Access Bars

I've been a very happy client of Leslie's for many years. She is truly amazing and one-of-a-kind! Her work is like no other because she is so compassionate about everything that she does and also her clients. This combination is what sets her apart from anyone else because the results are always miraculous and astonishing. I think the most rewarding work we've done together was my most recent with the access bars. I've had depression and anxiety all my life but after just a few sessions I can honestly say I have not experienced anymore depression. Those sessions were extremely effective and relaxing. I can always count on Leslie to be there and help me in ways no once else can! She's a true blessing and I'm so grateful she is in my life!

Debbie M, TN

Massage / Allergy clearing / Integrated Healing method / Dimensional Dowsing

Thank you from the bottom of my heart .. it has been over four years since my first session with you and the invaluable work that you do for me and my family .
It never ceases to amaze me the impact of the energy sessions especially during more stressful times like these.
My body, mind, and spirit always "feel" better and so the healing continues ! I just love it! Your professionalism and support are only surpassed by your big-heart and smile .Forever grateful,

Debbie G, South Africa

Massage / Dimensional Dowsing / Reiki with crystal therapy

I was a massage and reflexology client before Leslie left South Africa and have continued to stand in line for her massages when she comes home to visit! I enjoy remote sessions of Reiki and Dimensional Dowsing on a regular basis. It is wonderful that no matter where Leslie lives, she is still able to assist those willing to reach out. I particularly enjoy that Leslie is able to explain aspects of her different job in a way that is easy to understand.

GW, Camden, SC

Massage / Energy work

Over the years I have been both a massage and energy work client. I have experienced the many modalities she has to offer. Saying she is a healer is not enough....Leslie is a Master Healer. Leslie offers many services that have been experienced by both me and members of my family. As well as healing, her and I have attended various classes to learn different types of healing such as Ama Deus, Akashic Record Reading and Dimensional Dowsing to name a few. She has mastered some of the modalities to the extent that she can teach them as well. Her continued desire to learn has her attending continuing education classes as well master classes. As I share similar talents and interests we always have very interesting conversations. I would highly recommend Leslie's services for your healing journey.

Sandy Osborne

Manager / Company

I met Leslie in 2013 while attending Clinical Massage Therapy School. Not only was I taken by her "cool" South African accent, but by her zest for life and love of the human body.

Prior to attending massage therapy school in South Carolina, Leslie received hands on training in a number of modalities in South Africa. She was so knowledgeable many of her classmates ( myself included), wanted to just "pick her brain" on so many topics. She was always so patient with us and more than willing to teach us a variety of massage techniques.

Leslie is incredibly knowledgeable and passionate about what she does. She uses her knowledge to pull together highly effective treatment plans for her clients. She works to help each client heal, as well as empower them with knowledge and skills to understand self healing. If there is a topic she is unfamiliar with, she researches and studies to utilize this new information for her clients healing journey.

Leslie is one of the kindest, most empathetic people I have ever met. She has gone way above the call of duty to help not only me, but many of my family members and closest friends.

If you are looking for an amazing therapist, incredible healer and overall wonderful human being ...look to Leslie Boland

Sandra D ( Sandy) Osborne

BS Recreational Therapy

BS Health Physical Education and Exercise Science Clinical Massage

Therapist John F Barnes Trained Myofascial Release Therapist

D & T, Wales

Dimensional Dowsing / Ama Deus

Our journey would take far longer if it wasn't for for the clearing sessions we enjoy. If in any doubt, treat yourself to dimensional dowsing for a whole new perspective on life ... and a whole new you :)

Olga B, San Francisco, CA

Integrated Healing Method

I have been working with Leslie for the past three years and this work has been instrumental in my emotional and physical well-being and spiritual development. Leslie's intuitive guidance has always helped me navigate through difficult decisions and through the most dark times. She is always able to uplift me through the energy clearing sessions and through her wisdom and advice. I can't imagine my life without Leslie's magical touch.

Robbie B, Columbia, SC

AromaTouch/Integrated Healing Method

"A momma skunk and her baby skunk were walking past a paper mill one day. The baby skunk put his head up, took a deep breath of that pungent paper mill odor and exclaimed "Oh momma, what is that smell?!? The momma skunk took a deep breath of the same air, turned around and said, "I don't know honey, but we sure do need to get us some of that!"

Leslie is the skunk scent in my life! I'm not 100% sure what she's doing and how it all works. But I am 100% sure it's real, it works and you need it, too!! Leslie creates the energy and momentum you need in your life to change your life. You don't even need to know how it works, you just need to trust it.

Elizabeth F, Columbia, SC

Integrated Healing Method / Access Bars

It's a pleasure to say that I've been working with Leslie for about four months now. I have had various types of energy work and NAET done before, so it's fair for me to say that Leslie really is gifted in what she does. She is a safe and non-judgemental listener, and is incredibly compassionate yet balanced in her feedback as well. The insights and information she shares at the end of our sessions are always spot on and provide much needed clarity, guidance, support, and/or validation.
Since working with her, I feel lighter, freer, and more at home in both myself and in my life. I feel more plugged in, authentic, and comfortable with ME. It's been a process of delayering my authentic self.. but consistently it is done so in a sweet, supportive, and gentle way. I feel like I've grown leaps in terms of shedding unwanted or outdated emotional or energetic dynamics, and I always walk away feeling more clear about who I am, what I want, and how I feel, and how that all ties into the grander scheme of things.
I highly recommend Leslie's work to people looking for positive change in themselves. Anyone hoping to get "unstuck" in their life, their emotions, health, family dynamics, love relationships, etc will do themselves a favor by booking with Leslie. Thank you Leslie for all your help, vast knowledge, and earned wisdom!

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